Published inTowards DevHow long does it take to solve the FizzBuzz coding question?Originally published at on March 26, 2022.Mar 26, 2022Mar 26, 2022
Published inTowards DevPublishing a Java Library to Maven CentralOriginally published at on December 27, 2021.Dec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
How to Make Verified GitHub CommitsGitHub has a set of detailed instructions; however, if you know your way around a Linux shell and have a basic understanding of how keys…Dec 25, 2021Dec 25, 2021
Reorder Workspaces in UbuntuBy holding the “Windows” key on a Microsoft keyboard, in Ubuntu, you get a MacOS-like view where you can move apps across workspaces; this…Dec 18, 2021Dec 18, 2021
An object lesson on how to alienate your usersProtonMail is a great service which allows users to escape privacy-invasion from the likes of Google and Gmail, and keep your…Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
Support multiple JDKs in Debian LinuxWith the relatively recent change in the frequency of Java releases (every six months) it has become pretty much required to be able to…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
Published inPython in Plain EnglishParse Args in Bash ScriptsThere is something to be said for the immediacy of using Bash scripts, especially when dealing with relatively simple system operations…Aug 4, 2020Aug 4, 2020
Modern C++: Implementing a Merkle TreeMerkle Trees store a hash of the sub-tree in each of the Nodes, so that the whole tree’s contents can be validated against tampering. They…Aug 2, 2020Aug 2, 2020
Modern C++: Writing a thread-safe QueueThe STL provides a high-performance queue class in std::queue<T>; however, the API is not very intuitive, or easy, to use and it is not…Jul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020
Published inThe StartupThere is such a thing as too much moneyDocker was (and still is) a fantastic developer productivity tool, probably the most momentous change after the introduction of Linux…Jun 2, 20201Jun 2, 20201